

Reclaiming the Body as a Part of Nature―Reversible Destiny Lofts Mitaka In Memory of Helen Keller

Provision: ARAKAWA + GINS Tokyo Office

The turning point for Shusaku Arakawa and Madeline Gins’ architectural ambitions came with the creation of “The Site of Reversible Destiny–Yoro Park” in 1995.
Although today the site continues to draw over 100,000 visitors each year, due to injury incidents among visitors, the project initially faced criticism and skepticism, as Momoyo Homma from the ARAKAWA+GINS Tokyo Office recalls.
“During times when it was perceived as a radical experiment by mad artists and no one was on our side, it was President Sano of Yasui Architects & Engineers who stood by us. As evidenced by the person in charge from the general contractor introduced to us saying that ‘Convincing the company was a struggle,’ I believe the completion of the residence is nothing short of a miracle given its unconventional nature.”
The term “destiny” often implies a notion of acceptance, which is what makes the concept of reversing it such a powerful expression. We believe it embodies the artists’ endeavor to reconnect our bodies with nature.

<Reversible Destiny Lofts Mitaka In Memory of Helen Keller>
1 Completing the Reversal of Destiny ―Reversible Destiny Lofts Mitaka In Memory of Helen Keller
2 A Home Built Around the Body―Reversible Destiny Lofts Mitaka In Memory of Helen Keller

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